Friday, February 12, 2010 - the new Google Analytics?

Ok, so maybe I'm overstating it. Obviously, Google Analytics (especially for the low low price of FREE) remains one of the best systems for being able to drill into the details of who's trafficking your site, who's driving people, what they're doing there, etc. But for those of us living in the never-been-more-impatient, instant Tweet-world, that 24 hour wait to see results can be excruciating. (This is especially true when you're trying to test & tweak goals, ecommerce tracking and other configuration stuff - that delay in data means a very slow cycle for updating code and making sure everything is working. Sigh.), on the other hand, though ostensibly a URL shrinker, provides REAL TIME stats, and although it doesn't provide much detail on sources, you do get some sense of where people are coming from and responsiveness.

One of the other drawbacks to using GA for certain things is that it uses javascript for a lot of things, which isn't accepted everywhere, especially if you're using other tools or platforms. Ferinstance: email marketing. Sure, there is a tracking link system in place for Google which works long as you're linking through to somewhere your GA tracking code resides. But what happens when you want to see how many people are going to your Facebook or Twitter page from your email blast? Or if you're driving customers straight to Paypal (which doesn't support GA tracking code)? The "onclick" javascript call that GA requires to track external links like this won't work in email. However, a link will! You can at least see (in real time) how many folks are clicking, and to a certain extent where they're coming from. Ahh. Instant data jonesing allayed.

Like I said, obviously is not a replacement for GA, but it's great as a supplement to solve some of the little problems in life. And that little pufferfish is pretty cute, too.

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