Saturday, March 01, 2008

Technology-enabled blasts from the past

Wow. As technology continues to advance, it seems to circle us back around at the same time. Yesterday Thomas, my significant other who can be a bit of a Luddite, finally set up a Facebook page, and freaked out when he saw how many people from his past are on there. "So THAT's where everyone's been - at this party I was invited to but kept blowing off..." For those of us who have been reconnecting with people through social networks, dating services and the like for years, it's easy to forget how mind-reeling it can be.

But then today I stumbled across, a "music licensing and sonic branding" company based out of Oregon. I'm always on the lookout for quick and easy (and quality - those are hard to find) online production music resources for promo reels, spots, etc., so the promise of iTunes type store for pre-cleared production music was worth a look. Right on the home page was a Featured Album called by a band called Tokyo Vogue. TOKYO freaking VOGUE - it couldn't possibly be the same local San Francisco band I used to follow back in high school could it? The Japan/ Duran Duran emulators, whose singer Eamon used to work at the carpet place up in Marin where my parents once shopped, with whom I got to talking about music (and of course I had a slight crush on), which is how I discovered them in the first place? Who used to play afternoon shows at Wolfgang's? Clicking through to the song list, I realized immediately from the titles that it was indeed the same. And of course being able to immediately listen to some of the tracks with a simple click of the play button sent me right back there - ah, nostalgia.

Join me now, if you care to, in the wayback machine...

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